Ch Daniel is a 25 year old founder who is making $200,000 in annual revenue from a variety of websites. He's made everything SaaS businesses to Reddit communities and podcasts with his brother David. Read his exclusive interview for his tips on making a living online.
Can you tell us about your entrepreneurial achievements so far?
Yeah sure! Let’s do this: I’ll put up the vanity metrics and then bring some realness into it
- 11,000,000+ all-time users reached
- Been making $200k/yr for the last couple of years
- Lately my 2nd company (successful company I should say, as it’s faaar from being the 2nd company at all) has reached $3-4k per month in revenue
- I run a community (Reddit SaaS) that has about 45,000 members
- I run a podcast where I talked to billionaires, partners of Jeff Bezos (i.e. Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp/37 signals), founders of unicorns, and other people with their top vanity metrics.
The reality of it is: my brother and I (co-founder) have been lucky a few times out of hundreds of tries. The bullet-point list above: that’s the highlight reel. We’ve been lucky at one point, and in the last few years we’ve only been moderately successful - but that’s ok!
That’s the beautiful thing about entrepreneurship, I think - you only have to be right once and, for some time, you can cruise on your success. Just like we did. We’re like those writers that start with a hit book, then they release stuff that is… so and so (our situation right now).
But make no mistake - we’ve been trying to get our next hit in the meantime. It’s just another one of those hundreds of attempts 😀 SignHouse, our eSignature tool, is our next attempt, which is also our most ambitious one so far. But I’ll talk more about it below. Anyway, that’s life so far!